My Software Pick - Part II

My first post in 2012. Happy new year to all my readers. :)

This post is the second in 'My Software Pick' series. First part can be accessed here. This list too contains useful utilities. As usual, only legal and legitimate softwares - no crack or pirated copies.

1. Shaplus Bandwidth Meter

This is a free tool to track your internet usage.  This tool tracks every KB you download. I have been using this to track my internet usage, for over 5 years. This is a must have for us broadband users to keep our download limit in check, so that we are not surprised seeing our internet bill. Also, this occupies less than 200KB of your disk space after installation and less than 2MB of memory when runs in the background.

2. vlc media player

vlc media player is one of best media players out there and it is free. It plays almost all formats. Till date, I have not seen vlc returning errors for a video. In my system, it even played corrupted avi file which was abandoned by other players.

More details about vlc media player - vlc home page.

Direct link to the latest version (as on Jan 10 2012) for Windows is here.

3. Mozilla Firefox

My favorite browser and it is free like most of my favorite softwares. Firefox is the best browser according to me, be it the wide range of add-ons or the intuitive design. 

Check out the official site with download links here. 

4. Cheatbook Database

A must have for any gamer. Cheatbook Database is a freeware cheat code tracker that makes hints, Tricks, Tips, Walkthroughs and cheats (for PC, PS/PS2/PS3, Sega, Nintendo 64, Nintendo DS, DVD, Gameboy Advance, Gameboy Color, N-Gage, Nintendo DS, XBox, XBox 360, iPhone, Gamecube, Dreamcast, Super Nintendo, Wii, Sony PSP) easily accessible from one central location. You can find information about all the games through this tool and they release updates every month.

The latest version 'Cheatbook Database 2012' was released on Jan 14 2012. Here is the link to download the software for free.

5. Game Booster

Another must have software for a gamer. I came across this tool when I had to play a game that demanded a high-end PC. As the name says, this software boosts our PC to the maximum by freeing a bulk of CPU and RAM. Game booster automatically identifies the unwanted applications running in the background - we can choose which of them can be disabled and also stop more applications that we find useless. We can add our games to Game booster so that the tool stops unwanted apps before launching the game.

I find this very useful to play games with great graphics. This software is not completely free though.

You can download Game Booster v3 from here.

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