My first blog

Yes. At last, I (too) have started a blog!! Better late than never :D. Only the other day a close friend of mine asked me to write articles - I said with a smile  that "I have that in mind" for which he replied "it won't help. I've been havin it in mind for several years". This being the new driving force, here I am with my first blog. Very happy and excited for a first-timer.

A pen-a beautiful diary-write-no ways-I'd rather blog; though writing is safer in more than one way. Well, what's the worst that can happen. I write, others see my work, appreciate my language, admire my intelligence and get inspired to start their own blog (really?!!!). What a heavy-headed start to my blog! What matters the most is I have started blogging. You can find me blogging about anything and everything. Even this moment, lot of things running in my mind-should I be interactive, funny, sarcastic or what not. I will put an end to my thoughts (on this) by ending my first blog here. So long.


Thaha said…
Wish you all the very best for your Blogging:-) will look out for some interesting blogs.....
Thaha said…
All the very best my friend.. will look out for some interesting blogs....:-)
Thaha said…
why it is coming in French??? I mean the menu's
VN said…
thnks a lot da :D

not sure why is it showing in French da - to me it is in english..where exactly u see French stuff?

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